Types Of Cloud Computing Service Models

Cloud computing has been the buzzword for almost a decade now. But what is cloud computing? At its most basic, cloud computing is similar to renting or outsourcing computing resources like servers, networking gear, etc. Instead of owning computing hardware and software, companies can outsource the same from a cloud service provider.

As Cloud computing rose to fame, different models and deployment strategies were developed to meet the specific requirements of the clients. Each service model caters to a specific set of requirements. Let’s take a look at these three cloud computing service models.

IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service forms the fundamental building block of virtualized computing that can be rented. This service model can serve as a lucrative buy for companies that plan to build apps from scratch.While the IaaS offers the flexibility and the option to control nearly all elements, it does require firms to possess the technical know-how to be able to orchestrate services at that level.

PaaS – Platform as a Service delivers a cloud-based platform to firms where they can develop and manage applications. PaaS services include an OS, a suite of applications and development tools, which eliminates a company’s need to maintain a separate infrastructure for app development.

SaaS – Software as a Service, also referred to as ‘on demand services’, is a software licensing and distribution model through which applications hosted by a service provider are made available to customers via the internet. Since the software can easily be accessed by a web browser, the user can use the software on his desktop, phone, tablet, laptop or any other device

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way IT departments work. Be it a startup, an entrepreneur or an established organisation; there is a suitable cloud service for every requirement. And, we, at Ricoh India, are dedicated to improving the ever-evolving world of cloud computing.

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